NPA 1996 Campaign Posters

Thank you for visiting our website to get straight information about NPA policies and vision for the 1996 Vancouver Civic election without media manipulation. We know you'll want to share this message about Mayor Philip Owen and the NPA (Noxious Partners in Avarice) team with your friends and neighbours.

Here's your chance to get involved! Below are some lovely NPA posters that you can reproduce and put up in your own neighbourhood or pass on to your friends. Thank you for spreading the NPA good news message.

Poster Instructions

The instructions for using these posters are simple:
  1. Retrieve the poster file to your computer
  2. Open the poster file in your browser (or graphics or layout) software (use Open command in File menu and locate file you saved)
  3. Print it at 50% on 8.5x11 paper (landscape) on your printer (black and white or COLOUR)
  4. Photocopy lots of posters (at 8.5x11 or blown up to 11x17)
  5. Poster them in your neighbourhood using staples, tape or poster glue (mix evaporated milk and water 50/50 in a spray bottle)

NPA Poster 1  NPA Poster 2
A city for DEVELOPERS (91K) | A city for SHAUGHNESSY (85K)

 NPA Poster 3  NPA Poster 4
A city for THE RICH (85K) | A city for AUTOMOBILES (85K)

 NPA Poster 5  NPA Poster 6
Transportation Procrastination Plan (240K) | Tree Cutting Notice (101K)

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